Morzine parapente Stages de découverte Parapente

Paragliding School

Introduction courses

Session initiation #2 350 euros

3 days of courses which are articulated as follows :

J1: Presentation of the activity + slope-school for practice of basic gestures. Detailed debriefing of your morning experiences.

J2: Back on the school slope for the first takeoffs, flights and landings. Inflator work, balancing, centering and piloting. Preparation course for the first major flight and notions of aerology.

J3: and finally, if conditions are good, 1st great flight, after a theoretical course on the latter. The FFVL passport at the end of the internship, then you can complete your training by opting for a la carte flights.

Ps: for this internship which is a quick discovery compared to the 5-day internship which allows you to acquire the fundamentals of paragliding by taking more time to integrate them.

It takes a very good physical condition, (ie going up the slope with the school wing on the back many times, to get a good practice of flight and landing) to be sporty and have a good mental!

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  Initiation course Training course Weekend
May Multisite du : 08 to 11/05 / 2025 du : 10/11
June From 09 to 13 From12 to 15 14 et 15 / 2025
From16 to 20 From18 to 22 21/22
du 23 to 27 du 25 to 29 28/29
du 30 to 04/07 du 2 juillet to 6 5/6
July From 7 to 11 du 9 to 13 12/13
du 14 to 18 du 16 to 20 19/20
From 21 to 25 du 23 to 27 26/27
du 28 to 1er aout du 30 to 3 aout 2/3 aout
August du 4 to 8 du 6 to 10 9/10
du 11 to 15 du 13 to 17 16/17
du 18 to 22 du 20 to 24 23/24
du 25 to 29 du 27 to 31 30/31
September du 1 to 5 du 3 to 7 6/7
du 8 to 12 du 10 to 14 13/14

Parapente Speed riding haute-savoie
